Org Scan

OrgScan is our proprietary tool and methodology to assess organizational health. For both nonprofit and government leaders, OrgScan brings deeper understanding of opportunities and needs within the agency.

Through our proven OrgScan methodology, leaders get a clear and comprehensive view of their organization’s foundation, governance, operations, systems, and accomplishments. Our report presents data and insight to help leaders recognize opportunities, define areas of strength and growth, mitigate risks, and increase growth.

Many nonprofit and governmental organizations experience organizational creep over time. OrgScan helps leaders bring their agencies into mission alignment, eliminating mission creep and focusing on success. Balance of resources is restored or assured,

Community Action Agencies: Organizational Standards Assessment

Community Action Agencies and other CSBG eligible entities are required to complete a self-assessment every two years. We have customized our OrgScan tool and methodology to analyze and assess CAAs vis-à-vis
the nine Organizational Standards. Each element of the nine standards is tested, reviewed, and analyzed—whether a public or private CAA—for compliance.

In addition, risk is assessed and mitigation steps, if needed, are recommended. Our report gives staff leadership and board members the confidence they need to know the health of their organization.